12 research outputs found

    Revolutionizing Nutrition Education: Trends, Innovations, and Prospects in Learning Media

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    This comprehensive study conducts an in-depth analysis to explore the dynamic landscape of nutrition learning media research, aiming to delineate evolving trends, developmental trajectories, and their consequential implications. Employing bibliometric analysis and content analysis approaches, this research uncovers distinct publication patterns and citation behaviors, spotlighting pronounced trends catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic, a testament to the adaptability of educational systems. The study identifies a spectrum of learning media formats, encompassing applications, websites, and game-based platforms, while emphasizing the prevalence of experimental and design methodologies within the research paradigm. Keyword clusters elucidate strategies integrating technology and catering to diverse target audiences. In conclusion, nutrition education media plays a pivotal role in addressing health and sustainability challenges. The study advocates for ensuring equitable access to digital resources and advocates for fostering interdisciplinary collaboration as pivotal facets for future research endeavors. Ultimately, this research significantly contributes to enhancing nutrition literacy and underscores the transformative potential of technology-driven education in empowering informed dietary decisions and augmenting overall health outcomes.

    Pengetahuan Gizi Dan Pola Asuh Ibu Anak Balita Gizi Kurang Di Kelurahan Pasteur Kecamatan Sukajadi Bandung

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    Nutrition knowledge is principal issues related to various nutritional problems that occur in Indonesia. Maternal role in children\u27s growth and development is very dominant, that is in caring for and educating them. Parenting patterns applied by the mother can affect the growth of the children, especially the nutritional status. Goals to be achieved in this study are: 1) to inquire nutrition and health knowledge of mothers with malnutrition children; 2) to examine food and health parenting pattern applied by mothers with malnutrition children and 3 ) to analyze the relationship between nutrition and health knowledge and parenting pattern implemented by the mother. The method used in this study is the Cross-Sectional. The results show that more than half of mothers\u27 nutrition and health knowledge is in medium category. More than half of mothers\u27 food parenting pattern is in fairly good category. Whereas, mothers\u27 health parenting pattern is in good category. Toddlers\u27 nutritional status, as measured using anthropometry, is generally in normal category. Spearman correlation test results state that there is a positive and significant relationship, and thus it can be concluded that the higher the mother\u27s nutrition knowledge score, the better the food parenting pattern

    Development of a Mobile Menu Book as a Media For Learning Food Service in Tourism Schools

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    The important to remember that technological progress is unpredictable, and the landscape of immersive and interactive systems may have seen significant progress. Developers and innovators are constantly exploring and experimenting with new possibilities, making the future of immersive technology exciting and full of potential as a means to improve education. The research seems to adopt a mixed-methods approach, utilizing both qualitative methods for needs analysis and design stages, and quantitative methods for testing the product's effectiveness. By involving both teachers and students in the development process, the application can better meet their specific needs and preferences. The validation data collected from the assessment by validators suggests that the application has been well-received and is considered valid for use in food service learning. With an average percentage of 85.25% in the valid category, it implies that the application meets the required standards and requirements for an effective learning tool. Overall, the Android-based learning media application holds the potential to contribute significantly to the field of education, particularly in cooking learning. As technology continues to advance, similar applications tailored to other industries and fields of study can also play a crucial role in addressing the increasing demand for skilled human resources in various industries

    PENGGUNAAN ICE BREAKING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK DI SEKOLAH DASAR (Penelitian Quasi Eksperimen Pada Kelas III Tema 8 Praja Muda Karana Sub tema 1 Aku Anggota Pramuka di SDN 255 Griya Bumi Antapani Kota Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022)

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    Rendahnya motivasi belajar menyebabkan siswa kurang antusias dalam menghadapi pembelajaran yang sedang berlangsung. Dengan demikian penulis tertarik untuk menerapkan teknik Ice Breaking. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik Ice Breaking yang diterapkan. Penelitian yang digunakan ini adalah penelitian Kuasi Eksperimen, dan penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD Negeri 255 Griya Bumi Antapani Kota Bandung pada kelas III dengan populasi sebanyak 105 siswa. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling,karena dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling, maka kelas III-B (kontrol) maupun kelas III-C (eksperimen) akan diambil masing-masing sampel sebanyak 20 siswa , maka total keseluruhan kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen adalah sebanyak 40 siswa. Berdasarkan hasil uji homogenitas, setelah perlakuan terdapay varian data maupun sampel yang homogen. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket. Hasil penelitian penunjukan bahwa: 1)Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan penggunaan Ice Breaking terhadap motivasi belajar siswa kelas III SD Negeri 255 viii Griya Bumi Antapani Kota Bandung tahun ajaran 2021/2022 berdasarkan hasil uji Independent Sample T Test didapat nilai Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar ,000 > 0,05 yang artinya Ho ditolak dan Hα diterima. Hal ini didukung dengan nilai rata-rata dari kelas eksperimen sebesar 81,60 lebih besar dari kelas kontrol sebesar 61,75. Kata Kunci: Ice Breaking, Motivasi Belaja

    Persepsi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga Fpok Upi Mengenai Pendidikan Gizi Untuk Mencegah Kecenderungan Eating Disorder Pada Atlet

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    Kondisi fisik seorang Atlet sangat mempengaruhi stamina ketika mereka bertanding. Indikator kondisi fisik yang prima dari seorang Atlet adalah status gizi dan status kesehatan. Salah satu masalah kesehatan yang sering di hadapi oleh para Atlet adalah Eating Disorder atau penyimpangan perilaku makan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menjaring persepsi mahasiswa Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga FPOK UPI yang berprofesi sebagai atlet mengenai pendidikan gizi untuk mencegah kecenderungan eating disorder. Metode Deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan pendekatan cross-sectional desain, Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden mempunyai persepsi kuat bahwa pendidikan gizi sangat penting dalam mencegah kecenderungan Eating Disorder pada atlet. Sebagian besar responden setuju bahwa tempat yang paling tepat untuk menyampaikan pendidikan gizi bagi para atlet adalah di kampus dan klub olahraga. Setengah dari responden memberikan persepsi bahwa bentuk kegiatan yang paling tepat dalam menyampaikan pendidikan gizi bagi atlet adalah penyuluhan secara berkala, dengan menggunakan metode gabungan dari diskusi, demontrasi dan simulasi, dan durasi yang dianggap tepat selama 60 menit, serta media yg tepat adalah audio visual

    Preliminary Study in Developing Traditional Street Foods as Nutrition Education Media for Indonesia Youth

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    The unceasing globalization has a great influence on the lifestyle of the young generation of Indonesia, including habit to consumed fast food. Many research proved, fast food was not good for health. Habit of eating fast food in Indonesia increased from day to day, especially in the adolescent. This is very dangerous because not only bad for health, but also threat our culture. In general, the aim of this study was to conduct a preliminary study in order to develop traditional foods as a nutrition education media for adolescent. The study de-sign was cross sectional, the respondents were students in junior high school in Bandung. Sampling Technique done by purposive. There were 85 respondents. The results showed that the respondents' knowledge about traditional street food from Sundanese are divided into three categories. 40% had a good knowledge, 34% had fair knowledge and 26% had a poor knowledge. Perceptions of respondents about the importance of having knowledge about traditional foods is 41.2% consider it important. Perceptions of the media information that can be used to educate traditional food are posters in schools (37.65%), brochures (4.71%), computer programs (34.14%) and program /application in smart phone (23.53%)

    Inovasi Russian Honey Cake (Medovik) dengan Bahan Dasar Tepung Talas

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    Russian honey cake (medovik) merupakan salah satu hidangan penutup yang berasal dari Rusia, Russian honey cake (medovik) adalah kue lapis yang terdiri dari biskuit madu dan frosting. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis formula resep dan sensori, serta menilai daya terima russian honey cake berbahan dasar tepung talas. Percobaan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan Metode QDA (Quantitative Descriptive Analysis) dan uji daya terima terhadap 30 orang panelis konsumen dengan uji hedonik. Resep standar untuk pembuatan russian honey cake dengan bahan dasar tepung talas terdiri dari 3 komponen yaitu biskuit, sirup madu dan frosting. Untuk adonan biskuit madu diperlukan 23% tepung talas (sangrai), 3,1% madu, 10,7% gula pasir, 6,7% unsalted butter, 5,8% putih telur, 4% kuning telur, 0,3% vanili, dan 0,3% soda kue. Untuk sirup madu 3,6% air hangat, 0,4% madu dan 0,9% Susu UHT plain. Bahan pembuatan frosting terdiri dari 22,2% cream cheese, 4,4% sour cream, 11,5% whipped cream, 2,2% madu, dan 0,9% gula halus. Hasil uji sensori dari produk russian honey cake dengan bahan dasar tepung talas sudah bisa dinyatakan mirip dengan produk acuan dilihat dari aspek warna, tekstur, rasa, aroma hingga tampilan keseluruhan. Daya terima russian honey cake dengan mendapatkan hasil yang dinyatakan suka oleh panelis konsumen.Russian honey cake (medovik) is a dessert that originates from Russia. Medovik is a layered cake consisting of honey biscuits and frosting. The purpose of this research is to analyze the russian honey cake recipe formula with a good taro flour base, analyze the sensory analysis of russian honey cake with a taro flour base, and assess the acceptability of russian honey cake with taro flour as a base. The experiments used in this study used the QDA (Quantitative Descriptive Analysis) method and tested the acceptance of 30 consumer panelists using the hedonic test. The standard recipe for making russian honey cake with the basic ingredients of taro flour consists of 3 components, namely biscuits, honey syrup and frosting. For the honey biscuit dough, you need 23% taro flour (roasted), 3.1% honey, 10.7% granulated sugar, 6.7% unsalted butter, 5.8% egg white, 4% egg yolk, 0.3% vanilla, and 0.3% baking soda. For honey syrup 3.6% warm water, 0.4% honey and 0.9% plain UHT milk. Ingredients for making frosting. Consists of 22.2% cream cheese, 4.4% sour cream, 11.5% whipped cream, 2.2% honey and 0.9% refined sugar. The sensory test results of the russian honey cake product with the basic ingredients of taro flour can be stated to be similar to the reference product in terms of color, texture, taste, aroma and overall appearance. Acceptability of russian honey cake by getting results that were declared liked by consumer panelist

    Daya Terima Bakso Ikan Nila dengan Substitusi Tepung Talas

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    Bakso merupakan makanan yang banyak disukai dan sangat popular di Indonesia karena dari segi harga bakso masih bisa dijangkau oleh semua kalangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh resep bakso ikan nila dengan substitusi tepung talas. Metode dan desain penelitian menggunakan True Experimental Design. Metode eksperimen menggunakan uji quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) dari 5 panelis ahli dan 30 panelis tidak terlatih untuk mengetahui kemiripan dari produk bakso ikan nila dibandingkan dengan produk acuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan uji coba produk bakso ikan nila dengan substitusi tepung talas dilakukan sebanyak dua kali untuk mendapatkan formula yang tepat. Percobaan pertama menggunakan substitusi tepung talas 12,5%, dan kedua 10%. Resep standar bakso ikan nila dengan substitusi tepung talas yaitu daging ikan nila fillet 75%, tepung talas 10%, tepung tapioka 15% gram, putih telur ayam 22,5%, es batu 22,5%, bawang merah 1,5%, bawang putih 1,5%, garam 2,5%, lada bubuk 1%. Hasil uji QDA oleh 5 panelis ahli menunjukkan karakteristik produk dengan bentuk yang cukup halus dan seragam, warna bakso ikan putih gelap, aroma khas ikan yang kuat, rasa ikan yang kuat, rasa tepung talas tidak mempengaruhi rasa pada bakso ikan, sedangkan bumbu cukup kuat serta tekstur kenyal dan tidak keras. Hasil uji daya terima kepada 30 orang panelis tidak terlatih menunjukkan bahwa resep dapat diterima secara positif dengan hasil penilaian penampakan 84%, warna 86%, rasa 86%, dan tekstur 87% sangat disukai, sedangkan untuk aroma 81% disukai oleh panelis sebagai produk olahan bakso ikan. &nbsp

    Nutritional Status, Physical Activity, and Sedentary Activity of School Children in Urban area, West Java, Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research was to analyse nutritional status, physical activity, and sedentary activity in school children in West Java, Indonesia. The study used a cross-sectional design and was conducted from October to December 2016. Samples were taken using simple random sampling technique with a total sample of 300 subjects taken among fifth-grade students in seven elementary schools located in Bandung city, West Java. The data collected in this research were anthropometric data such as physical activity and sedentary activity. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearson test. The results showed that 21.7% of school children were overweight, while 19.7% were obese. The results of the subject activity, based on nutritional status category, were not significantly different. All subjects with underweight nutritional status were having light activity (100%), the percentage of subjects with normal nutritional status, overweight, and obese were 71.6%, 75.4%, and 74.6%, respectively. The average duration of underweight subjects performing sedentary activities on holidays was 4.2±3.0 hours, 5.4±2.7 hours for normal subjects, 5.8±2.7 hours for overweight, and 5.4±2.5 hours for obese subjects. The proportion of sedentary activity time on holiday among underweight, normal, overweight, and obese subjects were 17.6±12.4%; 22.3±11%; 24.1±11.3%; and 22.3±10.5%. The sedentary activity of children on holiday was not significantly different, but there was a significant difference between the proportion of sedentary time in a day between groups of nutritional status (p<0.05), i.e., normal children and overweight children. The correlation test results indicated a negative correlation between physical activity and sedentary activity, meaning that higher sedentary activity of subjects both in school time and holiday resulted in lower physical activity (p<0.01). The nutritional status, physical activity, and subject sedentary activity based on nutritional status were not significantly different

    Developing a nutrition education model based on local wisdom for adolescents to prevent Stunting in the early stage: a preliminary study

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    Anemia among adolescents in Indonesia has increased since 2007 until now, as well as worldwide. Anemia had affected their growth and development, along with cognitive abilities, making them susceptible to infectious diseases. Cognitive ability is closely related to the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of adolescents as internal factors. This study was an introductory study in the development of nutrition education based on local wisdom for adolescents with anemia as early prevention. A qualitative study was conducted in October 2020 in Cirebon District, West Java. The participants consisted of 10 people (eight stakeholders and two experts). Data were collected through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with instruments as a guide in collecting information data. Data were recorded with the subject's consent, transcribed word for word, and analyzed based on the listed theme by the researcher. Results from the survey stated that using digital development 4,0 learning models will be applied through blended learning and integrated into students' extracurricular activities, using a variety of learning methods and media according to adolescents' development. Thus, this study involved various government sectors to apply the nutrition education model in schools through government policies. Furthermore, it may become a preventive measure for adolescents with anemia